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 United Open Air Ministry is located in Queensbury NY, Services available within a reasonable distance, Inquire By contacting Us. 
  Also Please fill out proper request that can be found by clicking on the Request Forms tab.

thank you for visiting us here at united open air ministry, our goal is to reach out to those you would not generally see in a conventional church. We will bring the bible and religious services to those who wish to embrace the word of our lord. God loves all. Please click on request forms tab for applicable forms


 Weddings will be conducted in favor of the Lord, Only after required premarital counseling sessions are completed.

 Marriage is not to be taken lightly, it is binding promise to your partner and the Lord

​To inquire about any of our services

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At this point we are working on a web based bible study that will be based on our forum. Please check back.

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 Prayer Request


Prayer request will be accepted in both our forums and our blog pages. or you can visit on Facebook or twitter.


​To inquire about any of our services

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